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Mechanics Hall is proud to be a participating organization in the Card to Culture program. A collaboration between the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Department of  Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector, the Card to Culture program makes art and cultural experiences accessible to low-income families for whom cost is a barrier to participation.



How it works
WIC cardholders, EBT cardholders, and ConnectorCare cardholders may obtain free or reduced-price tickets (limit 2 per card) to most events held at Mechanics Hall. Participating events will be labeled on the landing page for the event with the logo below:


Reserve tickets by calling 508-752-0888 during box office hours, or email


Calendar of Upcoming Events

See the complete list of participating organizations offering EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.

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