Richard Jones Memorial Concert
Presented by Mechanics Hall
To benefit the Worcester Organ E. & G.G. Hook opus 334, 1864
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

An Address by Past AGO Dean Lucia Clemente-Falco
Mechanics Hall, December 18, 1991
A little less than a decade ago, this hall was filled with hushed anticipation as the audience eagerly awaited the renaissance of the long-dormant voice of the Worcester Organ. Those who had been involved in the long and tedious restoration process certainly had visions and dreams of their own for this organ, and for this hall. One such visionary was Richard F. Jones.
The ensuing years saw the realization of many significant dreams--a veritable spectrum of events that have truly showcased this magnificent instrument and hall to the Worcester community, the nation, and, indeed, the world. The amazingly popular Brown Bag Recital Series; the 1983 Convention of the American Guild of Organists and the Organ Historical Society; the Fuller International Organ Festival; a nationally-acclaimed recording; the historic 125th Birthday Celebration of the Hook organ--and the common denominator for all of these was Richard F. Jones.
It was with pride and love that Richard fulfilled the charge given at the original dedication of the hall in 1857, namely, to make concerts of good quality accessible to all of the public. These Brown Bag Concerts are certainly living proof of that. But moreover, he has had an astute awareness of the spirit of Mechanics Hall, and this has translated into a sense of noble respect for what it represents for our city. It is no doubt that all of the world ‘s most celebrated artists who have come to meet Mechanics Hall through Richard have gone away with a healthy dose of that noble respect. And I dare say that we feel it, ourselves, as well. We have Richard to thank for that.
Thank you, Richard, for your vision and your voice!
Rev. Richard F. Jones, BA, MDiv (1956-2022) served as the Creative Programs Director and curator of the Hook Organ at the historic Mechanics Hall. He welcomed to Worcester world-renowned musicians and personalities from cellist YoYo Ma to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks to Worcester. He enjoyed great success in overseeing the restoration of the 1864 Hook Organ and instituting the popular Brown Bag Concert Series at Mechanics Hall. Richard later accepted a position to serve as the Education Coordinator for the Worcester Historical Museum and concurrently contributed as a writer for Worcester Magazine and was a host of the weekly 2-hour Sunday program The Art of the Organ aired live on WICN 90.5 FM.
Richard then answered his call to ministry, enrolling and proudly completing studies to obtain his Master of Divinity degree from the Andover Newton Theological School. In October of 1995, Rev. Richard F. Jones was named the thirteenth minister of the First Parish of Bolton. Beloved for his engaging sermons, unique and personal approach, Rev. Jones faithfully ministered to generations of families and friends in all times of life’s joy and sorrow. He was an apostle of pastoral care and counseling, admired as a most eloquent orator, and a preacher of hope and social equity for all. He served as Moderator of the Central MA Association of the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, as well as on the board of directors for numerous organizations, and continued his participation as a beloved member of the Worcester Shakespeare Club.
Richard held vast knowledge about pipe organs and possessed an affinity for classical music, literature, poetry, and genealogy. He enjoyed the canine companionship of his late Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Ellie and Kristi, and cherished his yearly summer retreats to Bailey Island, Maine.